By Lynsey Barry
I have spent most of the last month swinging between lamenting the good old days, when December was silly season and you could get stuff done, and doing everything I can to set the team and me up for a positive start to 2025.
And you know what I’ve realised, January me is going to hate December me a bit and that’s ok.
Here’s why.
A very wise person told me recently that you can’t control everything. This hit home. Whilst I am a planner, a big part of PR is rolling with the punches, and dealing with the unexpected in the moment.
A new year is no different. There’s so much pressure to start the year with a bang that it can feel paralysing. It’s ok to give yourself a break – both literally and figuratively.

Here are five (not 10) things I am doing to help me go into January breathing a sigh of relief rather than into a paper bag.
1. Tick off one thing each day
To make the first week back easier, you can do as little as add a January tab to a spreadsheet or as big as plan your diary for week one.
2. Work out what can wait until the New Year
Some things will just be better done in January. The sooner you make peace with that, the quicker you can stop beating yourself up.
3. Say no!
My calendar is filling up next week quicker than I can accept the invites. To give me the time and space I need to end the year well I’ll be saying no to any last-minute, non-urgent requests. See point two!
4. Take some time to reflect
This year has flown by. There’s been highs and lows and everything in between. I’ll be taking some time to reflect on it all and work out what I want to take into next year, and what I want to leave in this. This can be hard when you are rushing around – but I’m going to try.
5. Make peace with what doesn’t get done
The best-laid plans and all that. With all the good intentions in the world, there’ll be some things that just won’t get done this year. And the world won’t end.
So, if you’ve tried your best and you still have things on your list, so be it. January you will just have to deal with it.
Now where are those mince pies?